



Talleres Valsi was born in 1994 by the initiative of Antonio Sillero, who developed a small family-owned company specializing in industrial boiler and pressure vessels. Our first facilities were located in the San Cristóbal Industrial Estate (Valladolid).

1 Years of experience
3 Fulfilled projects
1300 Manufactured receiverS
2 Satisfied customers

Over the years, in Talleres Valsi we have been increasing the product portfolio. This allowed us to grow and specialize in compressed air tanks, and all types of pressure vessels, heat exchangers, structures, pipes, manifolds…

Due to this increase of products and services, we had to move to new larger facilities in La Cistérniga (Valladolid), where we are today.

In these new facilities, the Talleres Valsi team has been able to expand its production process with modern machinery and a technical office for develop all projects, certifications in pressure vessels and other industrial boilermaking products.

As recognition of a professional relationship spanning over 25 years, in July 2024, José Rivero, Managing Director of LRQA Inspection Iberia, presented Antonio Sillero, founder of Talleres Valsi S.L., with a certification of excellence in quality management for processes such as CE, ISO and U-Stamp. This document is a guarantee of our commitment to the quality and the excellence of the finished product.
We develop all kinds of projects and certifications for industrial boilermaking

LRQA Inspection Iberia diploma 25 talleres valsi
LRQA Inspection Iberia diploma 25 talleres valsi antonio sillero


Talleres Valsi Calderería industrial en Valladolid

We are specialized in the manufacture of pressure vessels, compressed air receivers, structures, heat exchangers, pipes, manifolds…

You can contact us for more information.




Contact information

Address: Pº de la Acacia, parc. 30.1 P. Industrial La Mora
47193, LA CISTÉRNIGA (Valladolid)

Phone: +34 983 402 429 / +34 983 402 430

Email: valsi@talleresvalsi.com

Please fill the form if you want contact with us directly and we will respond asap.

In compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection for the personal data (GDPR):
Entity that manages the data: Talleres Valsi S.L + Info
Purpose: Purpose of company management only + Info
Legitimation: The consent. + Info
RecipientsTalleres Valsi S.L + Info
Rights: You have the right to access, amendment and delete the personal data. + Info
Storage period: Until its deletion is requested by the interested party. + Info
More information: + Info

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